New Web Design Trends in 2012

It’s that time of year again, where we look into our crystal ball to see what will be the hot trends in web design for the upcoming year. It’s no secret that trends come and go, with some hanging around longer than they should. (Yes, splash page, I’m talking about you.) But trends are a necessity in the development and growth of our craft. Trends are born, improved upon, and often spawn other trends. So as a web designer, when you apply trends to your projects, challenge yourself to expand upon them and make them your own.

As you read this article, keep in mind that the shift in trends from one year to the next may be subtle, and you will probably recognize some of these trends already. But it’s our estimation that the concepts we mention below will grow and become even bigger in 2012.

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design

Fixed-Position Navigation

Fixed-Position Navigation




Big Vector Art

Big Vector Art

Multi-Column Menus

Multi-Column Menus

jQuery/CSS3/HTML5 Animation

Ribbons & Banner Graphics

Ribbons & Banner Graphics

Custom Font Faces

Custom Font Faces



Focus on Simplicity

Focus on Simplicity





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